Adam Gerber - Composer / Musical Director / Sound Designer / Conductor
Chapter Next
Adam Gerber & Tori Allen-Martin are looking to support, promote and nurture the next generation of Musical Theatre performers via their exciting Chapter Next Project.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, 2020 graduates did not get the showcase and opportunities that they deserved. 'Chapter Next' is a project to professionally record a collection of brand new songs written by Gerber and Allen-Martin ahead of performing a concert series (when safe to do so), with musical direction from Gerber and direction from Tori Allen-Martin. The pair will also be looking at alternative measures such as online concerts to ensure participants as many opportunities as possible.
‘Training is expensive and the industry is brutal, 2020 graduates didn't get the opportunity to finish their training properly - they missed out on their final chapter of training - the part where you get to hone your craft by performing in front of live audiences and showcasing in front of agents. It's always hard to start out in this industry and in this current climate, it's even harder. We have to keep nurturing, lifting and developing new talent and we have to give them spaces to find their own voices’. Says Allen-Martin.
Tori and Adam met working on new musical Muted at The Bunker Theatre in 2016 and both having such a passion for new writing have wanted to work together ever since. Chapter Next has become a real passion project, with them spending their free time creating the album, inspired initially by working with students at They Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. 'We are working on a project like this with them for their final project and we wanted to create pieces that felt truthful to them so the initial songs were born out of that - and about considering what young people are going through and how they're feeling navigating these crazy times, starting proper adulthood when the world is on fire really - why crowbar them into previous experiences, why not let them tell their own stories? Let them find their own voices. Our Central students were so brilliant and inspiring and we just wanted to extend that, bring more graduates into the mix. Why not? We have to start thinking outside of the box, because who knows when things will go back to normal or if they ever will'.
To be considered for the project, please click on the link below. The quality of the recording isn’t overly important – as long as we can hear you and see the kind of performance you give.
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Adam and Tori as creatives themselves have also been hit hard by the pandemic having had the majority of their work cancelled and they currently have no funding for this project. 'We are determined to make it happen, and we will, but if we could raise a bit of funding to help us get a better studio than our own home setups, and also if we could pay these graduates for their time as well as give them the finished product, that would be the dream, and so we are asking you to give a little or a lot to help us fund these brilliant future superstars, and give them the lift, support and platform they so deserve.' You can support their justgiving page here